June 3, 2016

The Bus Came By and I Got On

This week, at last, we picked up our VW camper van that’s meant to serve as our home on wheels for the next ten months. It’s […]
June 1, 2016

Polymorphous Playgrounds: A Few of My Favorite Swings

When I backpacked alone across Europe many years ago, I made it my great ambition to find the continent’s best botanical garden and best tiramisu. It […]
May 29, 2016

Strangers in a Marginally Strange Land

Sometimes long distance travel can feel a lot like an extreme yoga class. You sweat and suffer and strain through the most uncomfortable positions, but afterwards […]
May 28, 2016

Awkward relations: All In the family

Awkward relations betweens spouses and in-laws, it is the grist of many weary witticisms and sorry subplots. Conversations between my wife’s side of the family and […]
May 25, 2016

Onward crunchy soldiers: One major maneuver

Progress is coming on slower than a German summer, but this week we advanced like a Prussian infantry unit, one major maneuver closer to victory on […]
May 21, 2016

Wronged and Prolonged: Extended travel in the German Republic

Into our third week in Germany, and we’re still spinning our heads trying to navigate the Kafkaesque channels of German bureaucracy. You have to give them […]
May 19, 2016

In the Green Heart of Germany: The Very Best of Thuringia

It’s impossible to fully appreciate a visit to Germany without some understanding of the country’s long and colorful history. Not even the most remote village is […]
May 13, 2016

Gluten for punishment: Hansel and Pretzel

If the Germans were prone to gluten sensitivity and wheat allergies the way Americans have proven themselves to be in the last decade or so, their […]
May 9, 2016

Reassuring Omens: Tripping the Rhine Fantastic

As we prepared earlier this week for our transatlantic flight and exodus from America, I kept telling myself that if we really pulled this off, it […]