When I backpacked alone across Europe many years ago, I made it my great ambition to find the continent’s best botanical garden and best tiramisu. It […]
Sometimes long distance travel can feel a lot like an extreme yoga class. You sweat and suffer and strain through the most uncomfortable positions, but afterwards […]
Awkward relations betweens spouses and in-laws, it is the grist of many weary witticisms and sorry subplots. Conversations between my wife’s side of the family and […]
Progress is coming on slower than a German summer, but this week we advanced like a Prussian infantry unit, one major maneuver closer to victory on […]
Into our third week in Germany, and we’re still spinning our heads trying to navigate the Kafkaesque channels of German bureaucracy. You have to give them […]
It’s impossible to fully appreciate a visit to Germany without some understanding of the country’s long and colorful history. Not even the most remote village is […]