A lot of chiropractor logos are based on spines on vertebrae. For the Beacon Chiropractic logo I tried to stay away from that and focus on the pediatric aspect, the anticipation of growth and reaching the highest potential. The first ideas for his logo were very playful. While Dr B liked many of them, nothing really struck a chord. Then one day he saw a picture I had posted of my son building a Lego tower. He immediately sent me a text message. “That’s my logo!” And after some magic in Illustrator, it was. Later I also created a brand-new website for him, as well as much marketing collateral, from banners to postcards, brochures and Facebook ads.
Beacon Clinic of Chiropractic
Create a logo highlighting the focus on pediatric care and ensuring a healthy and successful pregnancy and birth.
Style guide:
Click here to view the style guide

Scope of work:
· Logo & Identity · Website · Brochure · Business cards · Banners · Online design · Postcards
www.chirobeacon.com (Note: Website maintained by client.)
Pacha is the real deal. She takes my projects from concept to reality with skill and finesse. Can't recommend enough!
Dan Bronstein (Clinic Director, Beacon Chiropractic)